We had a great BBQ at Casa Ali Ed last night. There was no need for me to adopt my normal role as BBQ officer as the whole proceedings were carried out with great flare and efficiency.
Shopping at the Puerto Escondido market for said BBQ was fun where we took the oportunity to sample the local delicacy .....GRASSHOPPERS! We didn't buy any though.
A lot of the rest of this week so far has been spent lounging by the pool and walking on the beach where on a busy day you might see a dozen people walking and a similar number challenging the surf.
The weather here has varied quite a bit, but the sun has shone every day at some point and it's ALWAYS HOT .. once the relative cool of the morning has passed by about 10am. If the sun is up from the start it is very hot by 9am. We usually don't get rain until about 5pm and then it's associated with thunder. It's half ten at the moment and the cloud today is looking a bit stubborn so sitting here on our patio just bloggin' is ok. Our patio has a variety of sound invading throughout the day: mostly birds of numerous varieties, chickens which live just accross the "street" who come to visit from time to time, especially a broody hen with her chicks, cockerels crowing ..usually from about 5am but they're not fussy when really, dogs barking, lizzards making their cute sound which is just like a series of little kisses. At around 5am the other morning we awoke to a very strange sound which was just like a horse running on the spot .. this was just outside our bedroom window so when I investigated .. guess what? .. it was a horse running on the spot! It seems they have rodeos here from time to time and this was the cowboy training his horse in this very odd practice. This has been repeated each morning since but now it starts around eight so not so bad.
that's a HUGE piece of meat on the barbie, it's not the horse that ran on the spot is it?