Sunday, 30 August 2009

Notice the new Padrisimo. This was Ali's Father's day card to me this year ... created by Ali.
How about a tee shirt, Ali. Post it and I'll recommend it to Threads.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Penny and I will use this blog to relate goings on while on holiday in Mexico .... if we can be bothered. We will also post works of art (using the term loosely) and whatever else we think will interest those who we have selected as allowed readers of the blog (You know who you are)

We leave for Mexico on September 24th and return to Sunny Droitwich on October 21st.

Teasles in a vase


The Cat

First batch of paintings.

The Paintings and drawings posted here were hurriedly photoed. In future I will photograph all paintings before framing. So no annoying reflections and funny angles.


Dave's house in France

washing line

another blue boat

blue boat


Casa di caccia (montagnia verdi)

Last off the beach (Ali)

penfeeIainAli in france

fence post